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In English: Imagen


Itinerant Special Education Activity

Only proposal in America for Community Differential Pedagogy

# Julio Manuel Pereyra; * Yanina Rossi;

#Professor/Teacher. Community Educator * Prof. Special EducATION (UNaM) ;

Development References and Type of Activities:

(In this link, images, videos and news about the community socio-educational activities / tasks that we describe below are registered and shared, being a documentary collection of the route of the proposal) (English)


Education (Special / Inclusive) Itinerant and Community

Founded by Julio Manuel Pereyra (Uruguay), Community Educator and Teacher of Inclusion Support, 'Caminos de Tiza' Ambulatory Schools is based on a proposal of Community Education for volunteering in landfills, original villages / communities and slums in different Argentine localities , added to Workshops on Educational Inclusion and didactic strategies to Public Educational Centers for free.

The work team today is made up of:

- Julio Manuel Pereyra (Coordinator, Teacher and Workshop) (Payamédico)

- Yanina Rossi (Community Teacher)

- Raúl Saucedo (Journalist, dissemination of realities, photographic and audiovisual record) (Payamédico)

Our work is honorary, free, voluntary.             


From a community and residential, hospital and community modality, it is proposed (and achieves) work, in the Educational:

-Pedagogical - therapeutic with Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

-School support (traditional in Canteens and Community Schools)

-Initial Literacy (Children and Adults)

-Sensitization on uses and valuations of ICTs (Educational Technology)

 -Early / Timely Stimulation, Psychomotor and Psychopedagogy, for and with Children with Disabilities and / or Learning Problems (Asperger, Autism, Dyslexia, Motor Disability, Blind, Deaf, etc.), which covers from: the use of Sign Language (LS), to Augmentative Alternative Communication (CAA), through didactic adaptations, or adapted techniques / modes such as 'Floortime', PECS, album book.

Workshops / Training are also carried out on: water purification, waste management (solid: organic and inorganic) and Socio-Community workshops are added on specific topics of each reality: Drug addiction, Integral Sexual Education (ESI), Primary Health Care (PHC), Interculturality, and early detection activities of learning / health disorders / problems (dyslexia, visual, auditory, etc.).

in the Community:

-Solidarity Wardrobes

-Community Cookers / Popular Pot

-Popular (community) libraries

In the Socially:

- Denunciation of Violation of Human Rights (Human Rights) and Rights of the Child.

-Projects of Corporate Social Responsibility

- (We help with) National Identity Document Procedures (DNI), Unique Certificate of Disability (CUD), Pensions

-Working agreements with Municipalities (development of Policies and Protocols for Attention to Child Sexual Abuse, Gender Violence, Labor Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities)

-School Reinsertion, Prevention of Problem Drug Use, Prevention of Teen Pregnancy

-To advise and accompany in the denunciations by Family Violence

-Payamédicos (view to the areas of Pediatrics to Interned children)

According to the group (Community-Neighborhood / Little School), curricular contents (Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Language) and / or Study Techniques / Learning Strategies are provided.

Alternative and complementary teaching resources and strategies are designed for children with learning problems, functional diversity and / or neurodivergence.

All this in contexts marked by issues such as: illiteracy, undocumented persons, scabies, leprosy, HIV, leishmaniasis, H1N1 flu, dengue, landfills, jungle (bilingual intercultural contexts), and in some places under threats (including death) by the reported realities / visibility / exposed in (social) networks such as: malnutrition, no schooling, illiteracy, child labor, (re) outbreak of diseases, etc.

We promote / manage donations from the community in material / school supplies / s, orthopedic and / or therapeutic material, clothing (for solidarity wardrobes), sports equipment, or we build neighborhood libraries and collaborate with community canteens, without receiving or accepting money, transparent in the social networks (Facebook) uses and destinations of the resources / materials received.

There is no political-partisan, religious or confessional affiliation, from a conception of Education and Teaching: secular, free and solidary.

School Support (for school children), Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI), information on conditions / diagnoses, shifts for specialists / doctors, document procedures (DNI, Certificate of Disability, Social Works), disseminated through networks and means situations (including accompanying complaints of gender violence, sexual abuse and child abuse), PHC (Primary Health Care: prevention, hygiene) and Drug Addiction (problematic drug use) (all registered and shared).

We are not talking about a Project, but about an activity with 5 (five) years of uninterrupted development.

Recreational and Recreational Activities are added as:

-Children's Day celebrations

-Football / Inclusive Sports (between genders, between children with and without disabilities)

We do not have party-electoral political ends, and we only seek that our political, social and philosophical ideologies / convictions find an echo in our work.

We only share images and activities that we have formally authorized to share and disseminate, being our activity more and more diversified than what is publicly appreciated (for which there is non-shared audiovisual material, and only for legal issues, for complaints, and intervention of organisms).

The activity is voluntary (not paid in any way), and no funds / supports / resources are received from institutions, foundations and / or organizations (neither public nor private), only donations from the community (except for eventual competitive funds audiences to whom the work done is presented)

 The work is Community and Popular, not being the 'Caminos de Tiza' ambulatory schools or NGO, or Foundation, or Association, only a non-formal itinerant educational proposal, exposed to infectious-contagious diseases, pathogens, bedsores, covering long distances, and without means of transport.

At the same time, Workshops / Talks on Educational Inclusion are given to groups, NGOs and foundations linked to Disability.


Development 2014-2020

Corrientes (Arg):

-Step of the Free (Trash and Neighborhoods Catamarca / Palomar)

Also School Supports as Teachers of Support for Inclusion (DAI Volunteers) of children without Social Work coverage in the School 'V.E. Verón '(No. 663)

Coordinations in Goya with Community School

Misiones (Arg.):

-Ka'guy Porà Villages (Mbya´Guaraníes Original Communities in the Missionary Jungle) and Carenciados Homes (Andresito)

-Governor Roca and Colonia (Yacutinga)

-San Gotardo / Capioví

-Aristóbulo del Valle (Activities with ACPAD)

Río Negro (Arg.):

-Dining room 'El Trébol' (Bridge 83 / Fernández Oro)

And children in Home and Hospital Modality in different places where our paths take us and collaborating with educational centers in Paraguay where we provide free workshops

In Governor Roca: we help the "Huellitas de Azúcar" Foundation in Domiciliary and Hospital modality

In Andresito: we collaborate with the Community Integration Center (CIC) with which apart from free care for children with disabilities, we present proposals for Corporate Social Responsibility.

In Fernández Oro: we collaborate with the dining room and picnic area 'El Trébol'.

PURPOSES / Objectives

     This project aims to educate: strengthen, prosecute and expand the teaching and learning processes of students / children who attend the instances and spaces of School Support; enable, rehabilitate and / or develop functional linguistic, cognitive and / or motor skills in children / adolescents with Disabilities (in their care in home mode); provide training / training spaces on Primary Health Care (PHC), Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI) (disease prevention / Sexually Transmitted Infections, prevention of teenage pregnancy, prevention of sexual abuse); develop days on problematic use and consumption of drugs (including alcoholism).

   This proposal has as a Pedagogical-Community purpose: to attend information and references to Violence (intra-family, gender, etc.); (re) value community / social actions and neighborhood joint action spaces; achieve (re) educational insertion into formal school traces; the initial literacy of children and adults; generate a community network of donations and resources for activities related to health, education and sport in each community.

   The Activity proposes as a social purpose: denunciation and visibility of states of abandonment of people, violation of human rights, mortality and child labor, lack of basic services (access to drinking water), cases of malnutrition, health alerts (landfills and (re ) disease outbreaks), cases of sexual abuse, children without access to education.

Take references of the Pedagogies raised by Freire, and share views with Pedagogy in / of the Emergency.


That are developing

It is proposed from these activities with science and awareness, training spaces (shared) that can be considered as moments of reformulation, analysis and (re) construction of the entire process of educational and social change that promotes Community Education.

Taking into account this process of (re) training, and our commitment to Social and Popular Education (Freire), we have considered and managed to implement, design and develop a viable proposal, as an alternative and complementary educational activity of the formal school, giving opportunity and a space / s of School Support and Literacy (Initial), to people / children marginalized and excluded by the educational system (“dropout” and dropout, high repetition rate, extra age, teenage mothers, etc ,. ); as well as an opportunity to receive Early / Timely Stimulation and Psychomotor work (grafomotricity, fine / gross motor skills, laterality, impingement, swallowing, phonological awareness, to children with Disability without benefits, in jungle and marginal contexts (deprived) (achieving in some cases formal schooling).

In addition, the design, assembly, arrangement, and / or donation of Orthopedic Material (Standing Stands, Wheelchairs, Walking Sticks, Ergonomic Chairs, Walking Stick / S for Visual Disability) and Therapeutic (Sensory Books, PECS / Pictograms / Alternative Communication Augmentative (CAA), Hypoallargenic Floors for "Floortime", adaptations of teaching material, etc.) through work and teaching in Sign Language (LS) (and deafblindness).

All this adds to information (Schedules, dependencies, requirements, etc.) and help (Ask for Shifts, accompany illiterate people, etc.) in / on Procedures and Documentation (Unique Certificate of Disability (CUD), National Identity Document (NID) (undocumented), Universal Assignment for Children (AUH), Social Works (OS), Shifts with Specialists, Complaints. Etc.).

Recreational and Recreational Activities (Children's Day, Santa Claus, Inclusive Soccer, Children's Community Cinema, Zumba, etc.) are added.

Add in some cases Mereros / Canteens (donation of non-perishable food and hygiene products) and Community Libraries (donations of books / orders in purges of school libraries), and Solidarity Wardrobes (donated clothing and footwear).

The proposal is / becomes viable to implement (se) / develop (se), since the activities only have the need of few resources and material inputs (scissors, plastic, sheets, pencils, rubber and colors) with which they are built and they design others (PECS, grafomotricity, Recognition, Imitation, Association, Writing, etc.), so it is not an activity that involves high budgets (the tools are obtained through donations).

The sharing / visibility through social networks purposes, recipients, uses and control of donated material / resource (clothing, food, supplies, orthopedic and therapeutic materials, etc.), has not given a transparency that enabled the trust and extension of material aid received, giving credibility to our task.


This is the only itinerant / itinerant community educational proposal for children and adolescents with Disabilities in intercultural, bilingual contexts, in jungle, landfill and / or rural areas.

It is a community and popular proposal, secular (without political-party or religious-confessional affiliation), which aims at Initial Literacy, Integral Sex Education (prevention and detection of abuse, prevention of teenage pregnancy) and Primary Health Care in group modalities (school support, literacy), and domiciliary and / or ha in cases of children / adolescents with functional diversity / neurodivergences (with therapeutic-pedagogical perspective).

It envisages (and is being carried out) in its route to collect data, and to carry out a state-situation survey for the corresponding complaints about the violation of Human Rights and the Child.

United Education of children, youth and adults, inclusive (with and without disabilities) and complementing the Educational work with community canteens / snacks and solidarity wardrobes.

How vitally important, in some cases, it has the only educational, psychomotor and / or early / timely stimulation means that some children have in contexts of school drop-out and in cultures that practice eugenics.

As originality, it raises the formation of Community Schools forming parents and siblings as community educators and, that public denunciations and the visibility of realities oblige the State to intervene and with it, the arrival of services.


As it appears in the daily log on social networks (where we have been doing a work log, more than 400 ( four hundred) children and adolescents, initially literating about 100 (one hundred) children and 50 (fifty) adults, developing Alternative Augmentative Communication (CAA) with no less than 70 children, giving school support achieving school reintegration (or schooling in children who were not in the system) improved grades and lowered repetition rates.

Armed / floortime floors, wheelchairs (postural), and orthopedic and therapeutic material have been obtained and donated, developing PECS / Pictograms for children with Specific Language Disorders (TEL) and Autism (ASD).

Donations of supplies and school supplies have been obtained so that all children attend formal classes with resources.

It has been possible to document (identification documents) to undocumented persons, and to access Disability Certificates (with their benefits) and Pensions for children with Disabilities (educating and informing the family about efforts, organizations, papers, etc.).

All from workshops.

Sign Language has been developed in some cases as a resource for deaf children where there are no special schools.

Medical assistance has been achieved, and even the construction of physical spaces (schools / classrooms) for the development of classes and supports.

It was achieved that social groups collaborate and understand the value of educating, and the non-assistance educational purpose of Community Education.

More than 300 (three hundred) educational kits delivered (backpacks and supplies).

The achievement of removing / reducing some adolescents and children from child labor in landfills has been achieved.

No less than 40 (forty) volunteers have been trained as community educators.

It is so significant what has been achieved, that local awards, social awards, and in some cases, the declaration of municipal interest in socio-educational tasks have been obtained.

Perhaps, the most significant achievement as educators is to inspire Teacher Training students to the tasks of creating Learning Communities, not doing for, but with and from the social.

They have been able to perform recreational and recreational instances such as Children's Days, Santa Claus, Inclusive Soccer (intercultural, children with and without disabilities, boys and girls).

It can be seen on social networks how our practices are shared, and the realities we share serve to carry out public policies.

In the town of Andresito (Misiones, Argentina), an action protocol for Children, Adolescents and Family (Municipal Area) could be carried out in case of sexual abuse and / or gender violence.

The sharing in the social networks purposes, uses and destinations of donations, has given us transparency, credibility and consideration, so we have kept constant aid with school / educational materials, food and clothing.

Educational impact only: lower repetition rate thanks to School Support in school children; Literacy of children and adults; motor improvements (graphomotor skills); CAA / PECS development; language improvements (diction, pronunciation, literacy); school reintegration

Social impact: social mobilization, visibility of realities, complaints of situations, medical assistance.

Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG / UN)

Disability and Interculturality in the SDGs from the Educational-Community level.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG / UN) imply in their principles (also) to attend to the social, educational and labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities and of Original / Indigenous Peoples.

From the Early Childhood and Community Education Spaces, the development and implementation of social and cultural projects that address:

End of poverty: generating spaces for education and training for genuine work, especially literacy and the generation of Public Policies and Rights.

Zero Hunger: generating Social and Community Canteens, working teaching in crops and production (raising chickens / eggs, chickens, orchards, etc.).

Health and Well-being: generating education in Primary Health Care (PHC), especially the prevention of diseases specific to the context (dengue, chikungunya, lehismaniasis, toxoplasmosis, leprosy, scabies). Work is also being done on water purification techniques and housing improvement.

Vaccination and early detection of: Autism, dyslexia, visual and / or hearing problems, specific language disorders, etc.

Quality Education: aims to provide complementary and alternative educational strategies and resources to formal traces in cases of Disability and Bilingualism. It means, innovating in teaching methodological strategies, the incorporation of educational technology, and the training of Indigenous Auxiliary Teachers.

Gender Equality: Workshops on Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI), contraceptive methods, training of peer referents, and protocols for Care for / in cases of violence (gender) or abuse.

Prevention of youth marriage, teenage pregnancy, and complaints in situations of abuse.

Prevention of clandestine abortion.

Clean Water and Sanitation: water purification techniques, slope care, tank installation.

Territorial planning and solid and liquid waste management (organic and inorganic).

Affordable and non-polluting energy: uses of solar panels (1 for drinking water pump / Kaa'guy Porá community)

Decent Work and Economic Growth: literacy for work, training in Labor Rights, generation of micro-enterprises and / or cooperativism.

We seek that by scholarships, internships or stable work, the municipalities comply with the normative framework of quotas for People with Disabilities offering support in consultancies in the Supported Employment Mode (EcA).

Industry: generate proposals for Corporate Social Responsibility, proposals for SMEs (projects)

Reduction of Inequality: generation of Public Policies and institutional interventions from socio-community and educational work. It targets community canteens, solidarity wardrobes, neighborhood libraries, community schools, pensions, certificates of disability, literacy, sign language, orthopedic and therapeutic material.

Sustainable Communities: example of Kaa'guy Porá (II). Training of peer referents, community work, crops, drinking water, cultural activities for tourism (economic income), land use planning (prevention of inudable areas), waste management. Community wardrobe.

Social lunchroom.

Responsible Production and Consumption: self-cultivation (for survival), lighting / compost, no use of chemical fertilizers. Potabilization and water care. Family gardens.

Action by the climate: it is a subject that works from the sensitization to micro scale, especially to avoid contaminating the water, disposal of batteries, waste management, care with burns.

Underwater Life: not applicable since we work in river, jungle and rural areas far from the sea. In the same way it speaks of closures and disobeys, the laws are explained and there is talk of predation in rivers and streams.

Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems: we repeat the production and climate.

Peace, Justice and solid Institutions: this aspect we only work from Rights, prevention of Bullying, respect for interculturality, and in the formation of peer referents.

Alliances to achieve objectives: joint work agreements with Schools, Community Integration Center (Municipal) and NGOs / Associations / Foundations


In this link you can see activities, videos, didactic examples, educational practice and thoughts on Inclusive and Community Education. Contributions and references to our work and the value that society and professionals give to it:

In English: Video




Itinerant Special Education Activity

Only proposal in America for Community Differential Pedagogy

# Julio Manuel Pereyra;

#Professor/Teacher. Community Educator ;

Development References and Type of Activities:

(In this link, images, videos and news about the community socio-educational activities / tasks that we describe below are registered and shared, being a documentary collection of the route of the proposal) (English)


Education (Special / Inclusive) Itinerant and Community

Founded by Julio Manuel Pereyra (Uruguay), Community Educator and Teacher of Inclusion Support, 'Caminos de Tiza' Ambulatory Schools is based on a proposal of Community Education for volunteering in landfills, original villages / communities and slums in different Argentine localities , added to Workshops on Educational Inclusion and didactic strategies to Public Educational Centers for free.

Our work is honorary, free, voluntary.             


From a community and residential, hospital and community modality, it is proposed (and achieves) work, in the Educational:

-Pedagogical - therapeutic with Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

-School support (traditional in Canteens and Community Schools)

-Initial Literacy (Children and Adults)

-Sensitization on uses and valuations of ICTs (Educational Technology)

 -Early / Timely Stimulation, Psychomotor and Psychopedagogy, for and with Children with Disabilities and / or Learning Problems (Asperger, Autism, Dyslexia, Motor Disability, Blind, Deaf, etc.), which covers from: the use of Sign Language (LS), to Augmentative Alternative Communication (CAA), through didactic adaptations, or adapted techniques / modes such as 'Floortime', PECS, album book.

Workshops / Training are also carried out on: water purification, waste management (solid: organic and inorganic) and Socio-Community workshops are added on specific topics of each reality: Drug addiction, Integral Sexual Education (ESI), Primary Health Care (PHC), Interculturality, and early detection activities of learning / health disorders / problems (dyslexia, visual, auditory, etc.).

in the Community:

-Solidarity Wardrobes

-Community Cookers / Popular Pot

-Popular (community) libraries

In the Socially:

- Denunciation of Violation of Human Rights (Human Rights) and Rights of the Child.

-Projects of Corporate Social Responsibility

- (We help with) National Identity Document Procedures (DNI), Unique Certificate of Disability (CUD), Pensions

-Working agreements with Municipalities (development of Policies and Protocols for Attention to Child Sexual Abuse, Gender Violence, Labor Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities)

-School Reinsertion, Prevention of Problem Drug Use, Prevention of Teen Pregnancy

-To advise and accompany in the denunciations by Family Violence

-Payamédicos (view to the areas of Pediatrics to Interned children)

According to the group (Community-Neighborhood / Little School), curricular contents (Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Language) and / or Study Techniques / Learning Strategies are provided.

Alternative and complementary teaching resources and strategies are designed for children with learning problems, functional diversity and / or neurodivergence.

All this in contexts marked by issues such as: illiteracy, undocumented persons, scabies, leprosy, HIV, leishmaniasis, H1N1 flu, dengue, landfills, jungle (bilingual intercultural contexts), and in some places under threats (including death) by the reported realities / visibility / exposed in (social) networks such as: malnutrition, no schooling, illiteracy, child labor, (re) outbreak of diseases, etc.

We promote / manage donations from the community in material / school supplies / s, orthopedic and / or therapeutic material, clothing (for solidarity wardrobes), sports equipment, or we build neighborhood libraries and collaborate with community canteens, without receiving or accepting money, transparent in the social networks (Facebook) uses and destinations of the resources / materials received.

There is no political-partisan, religious or confessional affiliation, from a conception of Education and Teaching: secular, free and solidary.

School Support (for school children), Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI), information on conditions / diagnoses, shifts for specialists / doctors, document procedures (DNI, Certificate of Disability, Social Works), disseminated through networks and means situations (including accompanying complaints of gender violence, sexual abuse and child abuse), PHC (Primary Health Care: prevention, hygiene) and Drug Addiction (problematic drug use) (all registered and shared).

We are not talking about a Project, but about an activity with 5 (five) years of uninterrupted development.

Recreational and Recreational Activities are added as:

-Children's Day celebrations

-Football / Inclusive Sports (between genders, between children with and without disabilities)

We do not have party-electoral political ends, and we only seek that our political, social and philosophical ideologies / convictions find an echo in our work.

We only share images and activities that we have formally authorized to share and disseminate, being our activity more and more diversified than what is publicly appreciated (for which there is non-shared audiovisual material, and only for legal issues, for complaints, and intervention of organisms).

The activity is voluntary (not paid in any way), and no funds / supports / resources are received from institutions, foundations and / or organizations (neither public nor private), only donations from the community (except for eventual competitive funds audiences to whom the work done is presented)

 The work is Community and Popular, not being the 'Caminos de Tiza' ambulatory schools or NGO, or Foundation, or Association, only a non-formal itinerant educational proposal, exposed to infectious-contagious diseases, pathogens, bedsores, covering long distances, and without means of transport.

At the same time, Workshops / Talks on Educational Inclusion are given to groups, NGOs and foundations linked to Disability.


Development 2014-2020

Corrientes (Arg):

-Step of the Free (Trash and Neighborhoods Catamarca / Palomar)

Also School Supports as Teachers of Support for Inclusion (DAI Volunteers) of children without Social Work coverage in the School 'V.E. Verón '(No. 663)

Coordinations in Goya with Community School

Misiones (Arg.):

-Ka'guy Porà Villages (Mbya´Guaraníes Original Communities in the Missionary Jungle) and Carenciados Homes (Andresito)

-Governor Roca and Colonia (Yacutinga)

-San Gotardo / Capioví

-Aristóbulo del Valle (Activities with ACPAD)

Río Negro (Arg.):

-Dining room 'El Trébol' (Bridge 83 / Fernández Oro)

And children in Home and Hospital Modality in different places where our paths take us and collaborating with educational centers in Paraguay where we provide free workshops

In Governor Roca: we help the "Huellitas de Azúcar" Foundation in Domiciliary and Hospital modality

In Andresito: we collaborate with the Community Integration Center (CIC) with which apart from free care for children with disabilities, we present proposals for Corporate Social Responsibility.

In Fernández Oro: we collaborate with the dining room and picnic area 'El Trébol'.

PURPOSES / Objectives

     This project aims to educate: strengthen, prosecute and expand the teaching and learning processes of students / children who attend the instances and spaces of School Support; enable, rehabilitate and / or develop functional linguistic, cognitive and / or motor skills in children / adolescents with Disabilities (in their care in home mode); provide training / training spaces on Primary Health Care (PHC), Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI) (disease prevention / Sexually Transmitted Infections, prevention of teenage pregnancy, prevention of sexual abuse); develop days on problematic use and consumption of drugs (including alcoholism).

   This proposal has as a Pedagogical-Community purpose: to attend information and references to Violence (intra-family, gender, etc.); (re) value community / social actions and neighborhood joint action spaces; achieve (re) educational insertion into formal school traces; the initial literacy of children and adults; generate a community network of donations and resources for activities related to health, education and sport in each community.

   The Activity proposes as a social purpose: denunciation and visibility of states of abandonment of people, violation of human rights, mortality and child labor, lack of basic services (access to drinking water), cases of malnutrition, health alerts (landfills and (re ) disease outbreaks), cases of sexual abuse, children without access to education.

Take references of the Pedagogies raised by Freire, and share views with Pedagogy in / of the Emergency.


That are developing

It is proposed from these activities with science and awareness, training spaces (shared) that can be considered as moments of reformulation, analysis and (re) construction of the entire process of educational and social change that promotes Community Education.

Taking into account this process of (re) training, and our commitment to Social and Popular Education (Freire), we have considered and managed to implement, design and develop a viable proposal, as an alternative and complementary educational activity of the formal school, giving opportunity and a space / s of School Support and Literacy (Initial), to people / children marginalized and excluded by the educational system (“dropout” and dropout, high repetition rate, extra age, teenage mothers, etc ,. ); as well as an opportunity to receive Early / Timely Stimulation and Psychomotor work (grafomotricity, fine / gross motor skills, laterality, impingement, swallowing, phonological awareness, to children with Disability without benefits, in jungle and marginal contexts (deprived) (achieving in some cases formal schooling).

In addition, the design, assembly, arrangement, and / or donation of Orthopedic Material (Standing Stands, Wheelchairs, Walking Sticks, Ergonomic Chairs, Walking Stick / S for Visual Disability) and Therapeutic (Sensory Books, PECS / Pictograms / Alternative Communication Augmentative (CAA), Hypoallargenic Floors for "Floortime", adaptations of teaching material, etc.) through work and teaching in Sign Language (LS) (and deafblindness).

All this adds to information (Schedules, dependencies, requirements, etc.) and help (Ask for Shifts, accompany illiterate people, etc.) in / on Procedures and Documentation (Unique Certificate of Disability (CUD), National Identity Document (NID) (undocumented), Universal Assignment for Children (AUH), Social Works (OS), Shifts with Specialists, Complaints. Etc.).

Recreational and Recreational Activities (Children's Day, Santa Claus, Inclusive Soccer, Children's Community Cinema, Zumba, etc.) are added.

Add in some cases Mereros / Canteens (donation of non-perishable food and hygiene products) and Community Libraries (donations of books / orders in purges of school libraries), and Solidarity Wardrobes (donated clothing and footwear).

The proposal is / becomes viable to implement (se) / develop (se), since the activities only have the need of few resources and material inputs (scissors, plastic, sheets, pencils, rubber and colors) with which they are built and they design others (PECS, grafomotricity, Recognition, Imitation, Association, Writing, etc.), so it is not an activity that involves high budgets (the tools are obtained through donations).

The sharing / visibility through social networks purposes, recipients, uses and control of donated material / resource (clothing, food, supplies, orthopedic and therapeutic materials, etc.), has not given a transparency that enabled the trust and extension of material aid received, giving credibility to our task.


This is the only itinerant / itinerant community educational proposal for children and adolescents with Disabilities in intercultural, bilingual contexts, in jungle, landfill and / or rural areas.

It is a community and popular proposal, secular (without political-party or religious-confessional affiliation), which aims at Initial Literacy, Integral Sex Education (prevention and detection of abuse, prevention of teenage pregnancy) and Primary Health Care in group modalities (school support, literacy), and domiciliary and / or ha in cases of children / adolescents with functional diversity / neurodivergences (with therapeutic-pedagogical perspective).

It envisages (and is being carried out) in its route to collect data, and to carry out a state-situation survey for the corresponding complaints about the violation of Human Rights and the Child.

United Education of children, youth and adults, inclusive (with and without disabilities) and complementing the Educational work with community canteens / snacks and solidarity wardrobes.

How vitally important, in some cases, it has the only educational, psychomotor and / or early / timely stimulation means that some children have in contexts of school drop-out and in cultures that practice eugenics.

As originality, it raises the formation of Community Schools forming parents and siblings as community educators and, that public denunciations and the visibility of realities oblige the State to intervene and with it, the arrival of services.


As it appears in the daily log on social networks (where we have been doing a work log, more than 400 ( four hundred) children and adolescents, initially literating about 100 (one hundred) children and 50 (fifty) adults, developing Alternative Augmentative Communication (CAA) with no less than 70 children, giving school support achieving school reintegration (or schooling in children who were not in the system) improved grades and lowered repetition rates.

Armed / floortime floors, wheelchairs (postural), and orthopedic and therapeutic material have been obtained and donated, developing PECS / Pictograms for children with Specific Language Disorders (TEL) and Autism (ASD).

Donations of supplies and school supplies have been obtained so that all children attend formal classes with resources.

It has been possible to document (identification documents) to undocumented persons, and to access Disability Certificates (with their benefits) and Pensions for children with Disabilities (educating and informing the family about efforts, organizations, papers, etc.).

All from workshops.

Sign Language has been developed in some cases as a resource for deaf children where there are no special schools.

Medical assistance has been achieved, and even the construction of physical spaces (schools / classrooms) for the development of classes and supports.

It was achieved that social groups collaborate and understand the value of educating, and the non-assistance educational purpose of Community Education.

More than 300 (three hundred) educational kits delivered (backpacks and supplies).

The achievement of removing / reducing some adolescents and children from child labor in landfills has been achieved.

No less than 40 (forty) volunteers have been trained as community educators.

It is so significant what has been achieved, that local awards, social awards, and in some cases, the declaration of municipal interest in socio-educational tasks have been obtained.

Perhaps, the most significant achievement as educators is to inspire Teacher Training students to the tasks of creating Learning Communities, not doing for, but with and from the social.

They have been able to perform recreational and recreational instances such as Children's Days, Santa Claus, Inclusive Soccer (intercultural, children with and without disabilities, boys and girls).

It can be seen on social networks how our practices are shared, and the realities we share serve to carry out public policies.

In the town of Andresito (Misiones, Argentina), an action protocol for Children, Adolescents and Family (Municipal Area) could be carried out in case of sexual abuse and / or gender violence.

The sharing in the social networks purposes, uses and destinations of donations, has given us transparency, credibility and consideration, so we have kept constant aid with school / educational materials, food and clothing.

Educational impact only: lower repetition rate thanks to School Support in school children; Literacy of children and adults; motor improvements (graphomotor skills); CAA / PECS development; language improvements (diction, pronunciation, literacy); school reintegration

Social impact: social mobilization, visibility of realities, complaints of situations, medical assistance.

Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG / UN)

Disability and Interculturality in the SDGs from the Educational-Community level.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG / UN) imply in their principles (also) to attend to the social, educational and labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities and of Original / Indigenous Peoples.

From the Early Childhood and Community Education Spaces, the development and implementation of social and cultural projects that address:

End of poverty: generating spaces for education and training for genuine work, especially literacy and the generation of Public Policies and Rights.

Zero Hunger: generating Social and Community Canteens, working teaching in crops and production (raising chickens / eggs, chickens, orchards, etc.).

Health and Well-being: generating education in Primary Health Care (PHC), especially the prevention of diseases specific to the context (dengue, chikungunya, lehismaniasis, toxoplasmosis, leprosy, scabies). Work is also being done on water purification techniques and housing improvement.

Vaccination and early detection of: Autism, dyslexia, visual and / or hearing problems, specific language disorders, etc.

Quality Education: aims to provide complementary and alternative educational strategies and resources to formal traces in cases of Disability and Bilingualism. It means, innovating in teaching methodological strategies, the incorporation of educational technology, and the training of Indigenous Auxiliary Teachers.

Gender Equality: Workshops on Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI), contraceptive methods, training of peer referents, and protocols for Care for / in cases of violence (gender) or abuse.

Prevention of youth marriage, teenage pregnancy, and complaints in situations of abuse.

Prevention of clandestine abortion.

Clean Water and Sanitation: water purification techniques, slope care, tank installation.

Territorial planning and solid and liquid waste management (organic and inorganic).

Affordable and non-polluting energy: uses of solar panels (1 for drinking water pump / Kaa'guy Porá community)

Decent Work and Economic Growth: literacy for work, training in Labor Rights, generation of micro-enterprises and / or cooperativism.

We seek that by scholarships, internships or stable work, the municipalities comply with the normative framework of quotas for People with Disabilities offering support in consultancies in the Supported Employment Mode (EcA).

Industry: generate proposals for Corporate Social Responsibility, proposals for SMEs (projects)

Reduction of Inequality: generation of Public Policies and institutional interventions from socio-community and educational work. It targets community canteens, solidarity wardrobes, neighborhood libraries, community schools, pensions, certificates of disability, literacy, sign language, orthopedic and therapeutic material.

Sustainable Communities: example of Kaa'guy Porá (II). Training of peer referents, community work, crops, drinking water, cultural activities for tourism (economic income), land use planning (prevention of inudable areas), waste management. Community wardrobe.

Social lunchroom.

Responsible Production and Consumption: self-cultivation (for survival), lighting / compost, no use of chemical fertilizers. Potabilization and water care. Family gardens.

Action by the climate: it is a subject that works from the sensitization to micro scale, especially to avoid contaminating the water, disposal of batteries, waste management, care with burns.

Underwater Life: not applicable since we work in river, jungle and rural areas far from the sea. In the same way it speaks of closures and disobeys, the laws are explained and there is talk of predation in rivers and streams.

Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems: we repeat the production and climate.

Peace, Justice and solid Institutions: this aspect we only work from Rights, prevention of Bullying, respect for interculturality, and in the formation of peer referents.

Alliances to achieve objectives: joint work agreements with Schools, Community Integration Center (Municipal) and NGOs / Associations / Foundations


In this link you can see activities, videos, didactic examples, educational practice and thoughts on Inclusive and Community Education. Contributions and references to our work and the value that society and professionals give to it:

In English: Bienvenida



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